Who we Are

Who we Are

First off – what is UMASDA?

UMASDA is an acronym for our school identity. United Martial Arts Self Defense Academy, which is a fully qualified division of the parent 501C3 Non Profit Corporation, UMASDA, Inc. UMASDA Inc. is a CA 501C3 Non-Profit Corporation dedicated to Research, Development, and Instruction of Self Defense Methods.

Why the name UMASDA?

This name was chosen to acknowledge both the roots of what we do as well as our focus for the present and the future.

United = Representing many approaches to self defense coming together as one.

Martial = The core of what we do is solving problems. Self Defense vs. violence is the primary focus, with additional personal development benefits.

Arts = There is value in every martial expression, learning and applying the value to your personal approach is the Art.

Self = Everyone is unique. While everyone is generally configured the same way anatomically from a structural design perspective, Self is the awareness of the skills you possess and the movements you learn that best express your approach to problem solving.

Defense = The focus is entirely defensive. We do not attack first – even when utilizing a method of problem solving such as the preemptive strike – it is a defensive action meant to preclude a worse scenario.

Academy = Academics are known for creating repeatable skill sets in graduates. We model our performance coaching after academic models that create skill sets that are repeatable and reliable.

Think Know Now ….?

Think = Use your brain. The ability to control your thoughts is the ability to control your actions. In a self defense scenario, the most effective tool we have is the ability to think through the situation in the moment and make good decisions.

Know = Through experience in training, you will have knowledge of what to do in various self defense scenarios. Know yourself, know your abilities, know what you are willing to do to go home safely.

Now = The time to act is NOW. This relates to everything we do in life. We are not guaranteed tomorrow, so we need to make the most of NOW, TODAY. In a self defense scenario, we cannot wait for someone else to handle it. The responsibility is on us, NOW.

A little more about our school..

Our focus is self defense and personal development. Our primary classes are for adults only, we have working professionals from a variety of occupations – we have teachers, law enforcement, realtors, authors, security personnel, and everyone is here to learn. All of our instructors are background checked annually either in the course of their employment, licenses or professional certifications held, or processed ourselves as needed. As a Non-Profit we have the ability to keep our class sizes small, which enables people to learn hands on with an instructor at their own pace as well as larger class formats for drills and development exercises that benefit from more people working together.

For those interested in a program that can help their kids – and for the record my own kids are enrolled and have been for over five years now too! We do have a companion school run by a wonderful teacher who is a preschool teacher by trade. Marcus Thornton teaches a system of Japanese Jujutsu primarily on the weekends and has a kids program, juniors program, and an adult program too. Seibukan Jujutsu of Salinas website.

©2005-Present UMASDA, Steve Zalazowski, All Rights Reserved
The UMASDA Martial Science Crest is a Registered Trademark of Steve Zalazowski and may not be reproduced without prior written permission.
A Division of UMASDA, Inc. a CA 501C3 Non-Profit Corporation
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