UMASDA Video Training Library Teasers

Video Training LibrariesUMASDA students have access to our Video Training Libraries. Contained within our Libraries are instructional support videos to aid our students in learning and retention of material. This page is a sampler of various content found in our Training Libraries.

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Universal CPA: Form vs. SET
What is a Form? What are common terms used by various lineages to refer to a Form? What is a SET? What is a SET used for?

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Battojutsu: Introduction to Postures
Video for our sword lineage providing information about various postures used.

Video CPA = Concepts, Principles, & Applications
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Universal: Rear Side Fall Basics
Primer to understand how to do a side fall towards the rear direction.

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IKCA Kenpo Orange Belt Blocking SET Intro
First instructional video (1of 3) for the IKCA Orange Belt Blocking SET.

IKCA = International Karate Connection Association, aka IKCA Inc.
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AMS 101-2 Inside Elliptical Right Punch – Red Zone
Instructional for this AMS Gold Belt level technique to introduce the basic sequence of movements to learn this technique.

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AMS Stance Change Drill
This is a drill from the first AMS course designed to reinforce correct stance changes.

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The UMASDA Martial Science Crest is a Registered Trademark of Steve Zalazowski and may not be reproduced without prior written permission.
A Division of UMASDA, Inc. a CA 501C3 Non-Profit Corporation
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