Lance Hitchcock

Lance Hitchcock
UMASDA Senior Student

Lance Hitchcock is the most senior member of UMASDA, and 2nd most senior as a black belt. He started training in martial arts in Dan Zan Ryu Ju-Jitsu at the age of 14 to learn self-defense after being attacked on the street. He earned a green belt and was just short of testing for his brown when the instructor suddenly moved and closed the school. By that time, he was one of the school’s advanced students and regularly helped instruct the class. With no other Ju-Jitsu teachers available, he continued to train himself in what he had learned.

While attending college, he was actually asked to take over instruction of the universities self-defense class by the coach assigned the course.

Hearing of a class that included Ju-Jitsu and wanting to finish what he started, in the summer of 2003, he resumed his martial studies at Hartnell College where he met Steve Zalazowski, Sr. Training in Yasashii Do Martial Arts under Hanshi Everett Rodriguez he earned an advanced orange belt before transferring to UMASDA. 

In 2005, Lance became one of the first 4 students to join UMASDA. Studying IKCA Kenpo, he earned his first-degree black belt in 2010. During that period, Steve Zalazowski gave him the nickname Old Lion, because, like the eldest member of a pride, he was so patient with younger students testing him when he could have swatted them. 

After 2008, the school’s instructional focus shifted to American Martial Science™, in which he earned a 4th degree black belt in 2016. He was preparing for his 5th degree when COVID restrictions temporarily closed the school. 

As life has become more normal, Lance again resumed his studies. He is now simultaneously training in two lineages of martial arts under Steve Zalazowski, Sr. with UMASDA: American Martial Science™ and IKCA Kenpo™. His current goals are to earn his 5th degree in AMS by December 2024 and his 2nd degree black belt in IKCA by July 2025, which will mark his 20th year with the school.

One of Lance’s great joys is to help other learn. Having been with UMASDA since its founding, he is one of the most experienced instructors. He has helped train virtually every other student since he started in 2005. His motto when teaching is “Time, Patience, Practice”.

Lance Hitchcock’s Martial CV:

  • American Martial Science™ – 4th Degree Black Belt – Zalazowski
    • Second person to earn a black belt in AMS™.
  • IKCA Kenpo™ – 1st Degree Black Belt – Zalazowski
©2005-Present UMASDA, Steve Zalazowski, All Rights Reserved
The UMASDA Martial Science Crest is a Registered Trademark of Steve Zalazowski and may not be reproduced without prior written permission.
A Division of UMASDA, Inc. a CA 501C3 Non-Profit Corporation
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