IKCA Kenpo – Accuracy, Speed, Power, 60 techniques to Spontaneity. Protect yourself TODAY!

What is IKCA Kenpo?

IKCA Kenpo is a primarily stand up striking system formulated by Senior Grand Master Chuck Sullivan & Grand Master Vic LeRoux synthesized from their experience in the American Kenpo lineage of SGM Ed Parker, Sr.

Chuck Sullivan & Vic LeRoux
Note: Vic LeRoux retired from the martial arts in 2017.

IKCA Kenpo is characterized by flowing movement sequences that work off of body reactions. Kenpo practitioners seek to learn how the body reacts to receiving a blow through Technique based training sequences. When you can understand intuitively what a person is likely to do and how they will react, you can accurately predict “If I strike here, it will get this reaction, therefore I can do this as a followup.”

The syllabus of the IKCA Kenpo lineage comprises 60 techniques, two basic blocking sets, one kicking set, and one Master Form. There is a wealth of information contained in what is a relatively small volume of required materials. Some lineages have 650+ techniques – which is really quite difficult to imagine understanding well enough to use effectively in a live confrontation scenario.

UMASDA is proud to be an IKCA Lineage School, instructing the IKCA Kenpo syllabus.

IKCA Kenpo Crest
The IKCA Crest is a US Registered Trademark of IKCA, Inc., used with permission.

More information about the IKCA can be found at www.ikcakenpo.com.

©2005-Present UMASDA, Steve Zalazowski, All Rights Reserved
The UMASDA Martial Science Crest is a Registered Trademark of Steve Zalazowski and may not be reproduced without prior written permission.
A Division of UMASDA, Inc. a CA 501C3 Non-Profit Corporation
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